Image via WikipediaBy Antoinette Ayana
For some children, mathematics is the most challenging subject in school. The non-concrete nature of much of this subject makes it hard for some kids to grasp. If yours is starting to struggle, it may be time to think of hiring a math tutor. However, not all kids who score poorly in the subject can benefit from additional help. Before you pay the money, make sure your child is one who can.
The first group of students who really need the additional help are those who are applying themselves, working hard, and still not "getting it." These kids are going to get frustrated very quickly if they do not get some help.
The good thing about kids who fall into this group is that they tend to be appreciative of the help, instead of resenting the fact that you are hiring a math tutor. They know they are working as hard as they can and still struggling, so they are often very willing to receive the help. Sometimes, all it takes for these kids is hearing the process from a different teacher for things to click. Even if that does not happen, the extra supervised practice never hurts.
A second group of students may be able to benefit from a private teacher. These are the students who are not applying themselves to the work. Sometimes, they have no problem understanding it, but they are just not motivated to do so. If they do not complete the work, then they are not going to get good grades and grasp the concepts. Extracurricular instruction can also make up for the concepts that were lost when the student was not applying himself properly during the school day.
These students can benefit from the accountability that comes from a math tutor. Having someone come alongside them and guide them through their work on a regular basis can mean the difference between continuing to struggle and succeeding with flying colors. These kids are not necessarily lazy, but they just need motivation. Private educators are very skilled at providing necessary motivation in these instances.
If your student falls into one of these two categories, then it is time to start looking for tutoring. One way to make the most of the money you spend on this is to find one who will work with your child's teacher. If the two educators work together, you will have much better chances of finding success.
The tutoring professional will know what concepts and skills to target, while the classroom teacher will know that there is additional help being offered to your child. The classroom teacher can communicate habits that are impacting the student's learning with the tutoring professional, giving more opportunities to work on classroom and study skills during after school sessions.
Once you hire a math tutor, do not expect instant miracles. It takes time to re-learn poorly learned skills, and your child is going to have to dedicate himself to doing the work, even with professional help. Still, outside instruction can make a big difference to a child who is struggling, so look into it if you feel it could help your youngster.
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