Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Choosing An Online Degree May Be Beneficial For Those Looking For Flexibility And Options

Computer ManiaImage by Alexandros_ via FlickrBy Natasha Bright

There are many advantages to earning your degree online. You can have a flexible schedule and not have to worry about rushing on campus to be on time for class. If you are considering an online degree you can choose one that will give you everything that you are looking for.

If you are interested in a "log in anytime" program then you want to look for one that is described as asynchronous. These types of online programs permit students and professors to log in at different times and communicate through various modes such as email and lectures.

Programs that are not of this nature may require you to participate in certain activities at predetermined times. This is a better option if you prefer to take part in real time lectures or chat sessions.

The great thing about online Bachelor degree programs is that they can be completed in various time frames. Most programs can be finished in the same amount of time as an on campus program and in many cases can even be completed in a shorter time frame. Students have the ability to enroll into an accelerated program and can even choose to complete their online degree part time.

No matter what, you will be able to find a program that will earn you your degree in the amount of time that you want.

A worry that many students have is that their online degree won't be looked on as favorably as a traditional on campus degree. This is simply not the case, especially in today's world. So many students are choosing to enroll into online programs and there are so many online programs that are reputable that employers are just as likely to hire a graduate of an online program as they are of a graduate of a traditional program.

When you have made the decision to enroll into an online program it is essential that you make sure that the school and program have been accredited. Accredited schools are the ones that are legitimate and will be the ones that will enable you to pursue your career choice. Unfortunately not every online school is created equal and you will need to do your homework to ensure that the school you enroll into will provide you with a genuine degree.

Another aspect to look at when you are choosing an online school and program is the reviews on it. You can learn a lot from former students and it can give you valuable insight on whether a program is right for you. You can also contact the school itself and speak with various staff and faculty members in order to gain further information in the program that you are interested in.

It is also a good idea to compare the costs of various online Bachelor programs. If you are trying to stay within a certain budget you will want to take this into account when searching for program options. There are financial aid options available for online programs as well so you will want to examine those as well.

Bachelor of arts degree programs can be a great option for many students. By doing your research you can find the best online degree choice for you..

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Natasha_Bright
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Monday, January 30, 2012

Language Learning - A Review of Popular Methods

Montage of languages. Prototype header for the...Image via WikipediaBy Brian A Thomas

Today's technology has made the world much smaller and many people have become interested in learning foreign languages. Some want to learn for fun, many for business reasons, but it is your desire and passion to learn that will make you successful. No one can give you that.

I have discovered that many popular language-learning methods are not what they say they are and you can waste a lot of money quickly on them. Here is my homework on some of them.

Rossetta Stone - online - $299 for 12 months

I tested the free demo online at the Rossetta Stone site. The demo seems to brag that there are no written translations, you learn from looking at pictures only. The first lesson for Spanish shows pictures of a woman (una mujer) and man (un hombre). By clicking the pictures you learn the words woman and man.

The next lesson shows a boy (un nino) or girl (una nina). So now you have learned words for boy, girl, man and woman. The next pictures are of people drinking and eating. You learn all of this from pictures only. There are no written translations. This is where I had a few questions.

What if I wanted to know who is this woman? (in the picture) What is her name? Where is she from? What kind of pictures can they make to teach me the words who, what, where, her and name? Also what do the words is, this, and from look like? I had to use Google translate to find that (una) and (un) are the word "a" in Spanish. I urge you to take the free Rossetta Stone demo online before you purchase it.

Pimsleur - software - $119.95

The site started by teaching me phrases. I think it makes more sense to build a vocabulary first than to start with phrases because then you will know what each word means. From their free half hour lesson of repeating phrases I learned the Spanish words for pardon, understand, English, miss, speak, sir, no, yes, a little, North American, you, and are. Twelve words.

I was a bit puzzled because they taught me "entendo" and "entende" for the word "understand" then told me I was saying "I understand" and "you understand." "Yo" is I in Spanish and "usted" is you. "Yo" was never spoken with understand and "usted" was used only at the end of the lesson and not spoken with the words for understand.

The lesson is audio only. Nothing is written. I like to see the words because for me it is easier to remember them. I completely agree with their statement - "Probably no aspect of learning a foreign language is more important than memory." Word memory is the key. Repetition is good for this reason. I think you could learn from their approach but it will be slow and impossible to learn phrases of your own choice.

Transparent Language - software - $179.95

I like the philosophy of the site. I could not test it because they offer no free trial or way to see how they teach so I Googled the site for reviews. I have found if reviews talk only how great the method is but not how you are taught or why you will learn fast they are most likely written by the people selling the product. No trial lesson and no review with content? You decide.

World Word Exchange - online - 2 lessons $12 - 4 lessons $20 - 8 lessons $32

This is a new site. Their philosophy seemed sound so I signed up and got a free lesson. The site has seventy-six lessons of twenty words each. The first lesson had the words: who, what, where, when, why and how among others. These are helpful one-word question words. I clicked the words to hear a native speaker say them.

What surprised me was that they spelled the English word first, next to it the word was spelled phonetically in English, and then they have the native text. I listened and studied for a while then went to their memory test. It's a multiple-choice word game which challenges you to match the question word to eight other choices. This is an excellent way to remember the words in my opinion. Repetition is how we remember.

The site also has a grammar section that explains how to use the words and there is a page to practice spelling. For people who already know some words there is a user lesson page where you can choose the words you want to learn. The site has some great tools.

The most impressive feature is the organization of the words you learn. Learning the most common words first is a feature no other language method I could find has. The only down side to the site is they teach only Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and Thai. Hopefully more languages will be added soon.

You decide what works for you.
Comments are welcome.
Brian Thomas

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_A_Thomas
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Crisis of Education in America: "How to Become a Serf" - A Society in Which People Exist for the Sake of Companies is a Society Enslaved

American Education is in the DumpsterAmerican Education in the Dumpster - Image by brewbooks via FlickrHi everyone,

Here's an interesting read about the US education system - all comments are welcome. Let's discuss this!

How to Become a Serf

Man is a pathetic creature; a brute trying to be god but traveling in the wrong direction.

Educational systems now train workers to fulfill the needs of companies. A society in which people exist for the sake of companies is a society enslaved.

But there's a deep problem with the notion that education should equal vocational training. To paraphrase a very famous and renowned person, man does not live by work alone. Indeed, the knowledge and skills needed to earn a living in a capitalist industrial economy are of little use in human relationships, and human relationships are the core of everyone's life.

Schools devoted to vocational training provide no venue for teaching cultural differences, for trying to understand the person who lives next door or in another country. Value systems are never evaluated; alternatives are never considered. As a result, although we all live on the same planet, we do not live together. At best, we only live side by side. At worst, we live to kill each other.

Education as vocational training reduces everything to ideology, our devotion to which causes us to reject the stark reality that stares us in the face, because our ideologies color the realities we see and people never get wiser than those of previous generations.

People have become nothing but the monkeys of hurdy gurdy grinders, tethered to grinders' organs with tin cups in hands to be filled for the benefit of the grinders. And this is the species we refer to as sapient. What a delusion!

For many years, I have been troubled by what I saw as the results of what passes for education in America and perhaps elsewhere too. Why is it, do you suppose, that one generation does not seem to get any smarter than the previous one? Oh, it may know more of this or that, but what it "knows" does not translate into smarts. In other words, why don't people ever seem to get wiser? Why do they repeat the same mistakes over and over?

For centuries, an education was thought to be comprised of considerably more than one providing the skills and requirements needed to carry on a trade or profession. For instance, consider this passage:

"Education is not the same as training. Plato made the distinction between techne (skill) and episteme (knowledge). Becoming an educated person goes beyond the acquisition of a technical skill. It requires an understanding of one’s place in the world - cultural as well as natural - in pursuit of a productive and meaningful life.

And it requires historical perspective so that one does not just live, as Edmund Burke said, like 'the flies of a summer,' born one day and gone the next, but as part of that 'social contract' that binds our generation to those who have come before and to those who are yet to be born.

An education that achieves those goals must include the study of what Matthew Arnold called 'the best that has been known and said.' It must comprehend the whole - the human world and its history, our own culture and those very different from ours ...".

This idea of an educated person was often summarized in the phrases, a Renaissance man, and 'un homme du monde'. But these expressions are hardly heard any more. Educated people no longer exist. We are nothing but the monkeys of hurdy gurdy grinders, tethered to grinders' organs with tin cups in hands to be filled for the benefit of the grinders.

"Governor Rick Snyder wants to tie retraining programs to companies' needs ... and encourage more Michigan residents to earn math and science degrees under an initiative aimed at making workers more competitive in the global marketplace."

The hurdy gurdy grinder's monkey exists for the sake of the organ grinder; Governor Snyder wants Michigan's residents to educate themselves for the sake of companies. Workers are to fulfill companies' needs rather than vice versa. President Obama has said similar things.

But there's something wrong, something terribly wrong, with this picture. A society in which people exist for the sake of some non-human entity is a society enslaved. And this picture gets even more horrid with the realization that workers are expected to pay to acquire the required skills. Students are being asked to pay for the privilege of becoming serfs.

Living things in the natural world exist as ends in themselves. Everything they do is done for their own benefit or the benefit of their offspring. Horses in the wild do not acquire skills in order to perform tasks that benefit other horses.

When a human being acquires a horse and trains it to perform a skill for the person's benefit, the person provides for all the natural needs of his horse. Horses don't come begging to be trained to be ridden. What kind of perversion is the requirement that people should beg to be trained to be serfs?

But neither a hurdy gurdy grinder's monkey or a riding horse are educated; they are trained. There is no such thing as a Renaissance monkey!

Education in America, and perhaps other places too, is as fractured as shattered glass. The federal agency called the Department of Education's only power is the ability to cajole schools mainly by offering them money.

There are public and private schools, and the public ones are governed by local school boards, the members of which are not even required to be able to read or write. State school boards exist to have some influence over local boards, but again, the power of the states is limited. Education in America is a local affair. The people on these school boards are the ones that control what is and how it is taught.

For instance, creationism is often given equal standing with evolution. Students are often required to engage in practices that are clearly unconstitutional. All of this is done to suit the views of school board members, not society or even students.

Teachers are certified by subject matter. Perfectly good mathematics teachers may not be able to write literate essays. English teachers are not required to understand even elementary algebra. The schools do not employ hommes de monde. And what is true in the primary and secondary schools is also true in colleges and universities. Les spécialistes rule the classroom. Trained monkeys all!

Now vocational training works, of course, if people know what industries need workers and if workers want those jobs. But often, especially in times of crisis, this knowledge doesn't exist. Yet there's a deeper problem with the notion that education should equal vocational training.

To paraphrase a very famous and renowned person, man does not live by work alone. Indeed, the knowledge and skills needed to earn a living in a capitalist industrial economy are of little use in human relationships, and human relationships are the core of everyone's life.

Although the United States is often referred to as a multicultural melting pot, most highly developed nations today have multicultural populations. Different cultures embody different values. Those values often clash and erupt in violent behavior.

If people understood these cultural differences, these clashes could be ameliorated. But schools devoted to vocational training provide no venue for teaching cultural differences, for trying to understand the person who lives next door or in another country.

Various value systems are never evaluated, and alternatives are never considered. As a result, although we all live on the same planet, we do not live together. At best, we only live side by side. At worst, we live to kill each other.

Education as vocational training reduces everything to ideology. Religion is an ideology and no one ever questions a person's right to her/his own. Economics, although often touted as a science, is an ideology. Part of free marked economic theory is the belief that when an established industry falters and declines, some new industry will come forth and employ the newly unemployed.

But nothing in economics can compel that to happen. This belief is akin to the belief in a Second Coming. It is purely ideological. Even science has become an ideology. People believe, for instance, that science will discover solutions to all of our problems. But again, there is nothing in science that compels that.

It is perfectly possible that, as human beings destroy their environment, science will be unable to correct the damage and that life on this planet will perish. Worse, ideologies contribute to human stupidity; our devotion to them causes us to reject the stark realities that stare us in the face (see here and here).

So what is required if we are to make one generation smarter than the previous one? We need to educate Renaissance men who comprehend the whole human world, its history, our own culture, and those very different from ours. Vocational training will never produce such people.

John F. Kennedy was glorified when he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country." Shouldn't he have been vilified? Do countries exist to benefit their peoples or do their peoples exist to benefit their countries? What good is a country that requires the sacrifice of its people?

Since the Enlightenment, it is generally agreed that legitimate governments are those that govern with the consent of their peoples. Does anyone really believe that people would consent to living in a nation that made it clear that the lives of most citizens would be fated to live for the benefit of the few who control the nation's institutions? Isn't that exactly what slavery is?

Analytical thinking, even when valid, can lead people down invalid roads, because analysis alone tends to overly simplify questions. When used to answer the question, What must be done to put unemployed people to work?, it leads to attempts to make education equivalent to vocational training.

But when put into practice, it results in people who lack the ability to understand their value systems and evaluate them properly. They end up being hurdy gurdy monkeys or, as Arnold put it, the flies of a summer, born one day and gone the next. If a nation's institutions do not exist to benefit its citizens, the institutions, not the people, are faulty.

In Classical Greece it was known that the unexamined human life is not worth living. Vocational training never presents people with opportunities to examine one's life; so people end up relying entirely on ideologies which have no intellectual basis and are often absurdly false, but "falsehoods are not only evil in themselves, they infect the soul with evil."

If human beings wish to endure, their ideologies must be subjected to serious criticism; otherwise, no generation will ever be smarter than its predecessors and continuing to refer to ourselves as sapient is a sheer delusion.

John Kozy is a retired professor of philosophy and logic who writes on social, political, and economic issues. After serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he spent 20 years as a university professor and another 20 years working as a writer. He has published a textbook in formal logic commercially, in academic journals and a small number of commercial magazines, and has written a number of guest editorials for newspapers. His on-line pieces can be found on http://www.jkozy.com/ and he can be emailed from that site's homepage.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012

INTERVIEW: Vandana Shiva: Teachers for a Living World - While Ivy League Schools Marvel at India’s Economic Growth, Vandana Shiva’s University of the Seed Looks to the Earth - and Gandhi - For Guidance

by Madhu Suri Prakash, in Yes! magazine: http://www.yesmagazine.org

Gandhi once burned British cloth imported from the mills of Manchester to reveal the power of the indigenous spinning wheel; and led the famous Salt March to underscore the capacities of all Indians (in fact, all human beings) to live autonomously, depending on the support of themselves and each other while throwing off the shackles of global empire.

Renowned food and anti-globalization activist Vandana Shiva’s Bija Vidyapeeth (University of the Seed), co-founded with Satish Kumar in 2001, is grounded on the four Gandhian principles of non-violence: swaraj (self-rule), swadeshi (home-spun), satyagraha (truth force), and savodaya (the uplifting of all).

Inspired by these principles, this university grown on a farm preserves a wild diversity of indigenous seeds in cooperation with thousands of farmers across India and the world, committed to the organic principles of working with Mother Earth - rather than waging war on her with chemicals.

“Gandhi and Globalization” is a course co-taught annually at Bija Vidyapeeth for ten short, intense days in November and December.

Vandana Shiva, Satish Kumar (founder of Schumacher College in England), and Samdhong Rimpoche (the first Prime Minister of Independent Tibet) designed this course for students coming from all continents, speaking in multiple tongues, and joined by a shared passion for both Gandhi and the end of the era of globalization or neo-colonialism.

During the last three years, I have had the privilege of joining these four great teachers in the fabulous intellectual and moral adventure of co-teaching this course with them.

“Gandhi and Globalization” is one among a range of courses offered by Bija Vidyapeeth to demonstrate that Gandhi’s relevance grows even as globalization strangulates indigenous traditions of teaching, learning, living, and celebrating life and death.

Madhu PrakashMadhu Suri Prakash interviewed Vandana Shiva for YES! Magazine, a national nonprofit media organization that fuses powerful ideas with practical actions. Madhu is a contributing editor to YES! Magazine.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Basics on Entry Level Online TEFL Courses - What You Need to Know

English: Conversational American English, Less...Image via WikipediaBy John Paxton

TEFL courses come in many different lengths and price ranges. For those who are interested in seeing the world and teaching their native tongue in Asia, getting a TEFL certificate is a good first step to getting employed as a teacher abroad.

Firstly what exactly is TEFL? Well it stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It is the most basic requirement for teachers who don't have teaching experience yet wish to start teaching.

There are both online types, combined types and full-blown on-site courses. This article will deal with online types. In general online types are considerably cheaper than on-site types. They can be completed from the comforts of your own home and at your own pace.

The cheapest and easiest online TEFL course is the 40 hour course. This can be completed in just weeks and will range from $100 to $200 USD. This type is considered an entry level certificate.

This course will acquaint the new-comer with ESL concepts like: Student Motivation, Teacher Roles and TEFL Methods, Classroom Management and Student Levels. Another positive thing to note about these entry level on-line TEFL courses is that they are easily upgradable to more advanced courses like 60, 80 or even the much more comprehensive 120 hour courses.

Other positives to note is that some of these course providers also help the course graduate find employment when they successfully finish the course work (it should be noted that they don't actually place the graduate in the field but rather put them in contact with their vast network of job contacts. It is up to the teacher to "wow" their prospective employer and get hired).

Other critical things taught are typically: An introduction to English grammar, how to teach grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Mistake correction and feedback, how to teach speaking and writing. How to teach listening and reading. Also most online TEFL courses will touch on: lesson planning, games and activities as well as cultural awareness in the classroom.

Often, hiring managers will give preference to teachers with TEFL certificates because those candidates with a teaching certificate often seem more stable and definitely a bit more motivated.

Although entry level on-line TEFL courses by themselves are not enough to get much higher paying ESL work, they do a fine job of giving teachers a competitive edge against other teachers in similar situations (little or no teaching experience).

They also show employers that you are serious about wanting to fine work teaching ESL and this sets you apart from other candidates who don't care enough to go the extra mile and get some qualifications to teach English abroad.

Distribution of this article is permissible as long as the entire article including author information and website address are included.

You can find more detailed information about what to expect teaching in Japan at http://www.all-about-teaching-english-in-japan.com/TEFLcourses.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Paxton
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Maths Games Are Effective Tools for Adaptive Learning

MathematicsImage by Terriko via FlickrBy Jim Wheelin

Adaptive learning recognizes that each student learns at her own pace and in her own way. The role of the teacher is to support the student's efforts so that all are able to reach their potential. This is a complex and challenging task, and the teacher in today's classroom needs appropriate tools to accomplish the goal.

One tool that is effective in helping students meet the requirements of the common core state standards in mathematics is an online system of maths games that continuously assesses the child's progress and adjusts tasks accordingly.

"Learning Trajectories in Mathematics," a January 2011 research paper published by the Consortium for Policy Research in Education, asserts that instruction must adapt to the student's needs and learning style in order to produce desirable results.

Authors Phil Daro, Frederic A. Mosher, and Tom Corcoran emphasize that, instead of selecting able students for success, educators in a standards-based system must constantly assess progress and adjust instruction so that each student experiences success. This is adaptive learning.

The researchers further write that no system or tool can "replace careful attention and timely interventions by a well-trained teacher who understands how children learn mathematics." The alert teacher assesses how well students understand the concepts and processes being studied and provides instruction that helps them to thoroughly master each step before moving on to the next.

The common core state standards provide a useful framework for adaptive learning. The teacher is the person who interprets to students what those standards mean and provides appropriate learning activities. In order to do this, the teacher must understand how children learn maths concepts and processes, what points they may struggle with, and interventions that can help them to find successful solutions.

Learning trajectories are attempts to describe the varying paths children may follow to develop mathematics understanding. They have their roots in developmental psychology and developmental neuroscience. The teacher needs to be familiar with these processes in order to provide the kind of help each child needs. A well-informed teacher is able to use technology to reinforce the concepts that have been taught in class.

Combining classroom instruction and a variety of learning experiences with an effective computer-based learning program will help the teacher reach each student at his or her optimal learning level. No teacher can be everywhere at once. With a good system of reinforcing games that provides real-time feedback, the teacher can pinpoint trouble areas and provide support to those children who are having difficulty understanding the concepts being taught.

An advantage of online maths game systems is that students are able to continue their mathematics practice at home. In this way, they can reinforce and expand on the lessons they have learned so that they come back to class ready to go on to the next step. The games also help students to develop fluency in the basic maths processes.

Fluency in the basic maths facts and processes is an essential foundation for higher mathematics learning. In order for students to become fluent, they must practice in a variety of ways to thoroughly master addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Using maths games keeps children engaged and interested so that maths becomes an exciting adventure. In the hands of an experienced and well-informed teacher, maths games are a very effective teaching tool for adaptive learning.

Jim Wheelin writes about many different educational topics for parents and kids. Recently he has been researching for a maths game that can incorporate adaptive learning. In the future, Jim plans to test out an educational resource such the one offered at http://www.dreambox.com/adaptive-learning.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Wheelin
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Day In the Life of a Waldorf Homeschool Family

An example of a homeschool setting.(caption fr...Image via WikipediaBy Donna Ashton

Rhythm is the key to making things run smoothly in our household. As a homeschooling mom who is also running a business from home, having balance and rhythm to our days helps make it all possible.

The breathing of the day is an important thing to consider when I am scheduling lessons or activities. What is this in-breath and out-breath? It is alternating between an outward energy producing activity and a quieter inward one. I try to keep this balance and when things get a bit "one-sided" I can tell we need a change. I have given a sample day for you to see what I mean.

8am: Breakfast and Morning Routine - make beds, brush teeth and hair, and dress.

9am: Morning Walk - We try to do this daily, weather permitting. It gets us out in nature, and expels that energy needed before starting Main lesson. And the dog likes it too.

10am: Circle and Main Lesson - Our circle begins with each girl lighting a beeswax candle. We say our opening verse, monthly verse, etc. Play recorder, sing a seasonal song, beanbag toss working on multiplication tables, then we close our circle and blow out the candles.

Snack: We break to re-nourish (girls are always hungry!).

Main Lesson: This lasts about an hour depending on what we are doing. Today, I tell a fable and we draw in our Main Lesson Books to go along with the story. A squirrel is hanging from the branch outside the window stealing bird seed from out feeder. We watch and observe. It begins to rain. We talk a bit about the seasons, getting ready for my block on Seasons, Calendar and Time.

Lunch: They run off to play while I prepare lunch.

1-3pm: Work time - This is a new part of our rhythm, dedicated work time for Mommy. I have hired a college student to come over 2 days a week.. Today is the first day and it goes great! I get so much done without interruption I can't believe it. This frees me to concentrate on work now and be present with my daughters the rest of the day.

3pm: Back Together - This is our afternoon in-breath activity. Sometimes we paint, or maybe run errands. Today it is time for baking. We sift and blend and talk about measurements. While the cake bakes, we knit. I read a chapter from their favorite ongoing book and they each take turns reading from their books. The cake is done and Daddy arrives home. They are off playing again while mommy and daddy catch up on our days and start dinner.

6:30 to 8pm: Dinner and Bedtime - I like to eat by 6:30 so there is time for Family Time. We play cards, games or take a walk. It is such a great time connecting all together after a busy day. The bedtime ritual begins; PJ's, snack and story.

The girls are still in bed by 7:30-8 pm most nights. They sleep long and well. Then, it is free time for me to read a book, do more work, or watch a movie with my husband. Raising twins, I needed this nightly break. I highly recommend it!

By having that in and out rhythm, it breaks up large chunks of sitting still for hours or running and playing so long that they won't come back down to relax. It helps me as mom connect with them for a little while, then I get some time to do what I need to do.

Then we come back together again and repeat. 2 days a week we have music lessons/library and home school co-op in the afternoons, but the remaining days I try to be home to keep a balance.

I hope this peek into our life has brought you some inspiration and knowing that you can find the rhythm that fits your own family.

Donna Ashton has devoted over 5 years to learning Waldorf Education and homeschooling her twin girls. She brings her experience with raising her 8 year olds in a mindful way to help struggling homeschoolers and parents trying to balance their daily rhythm and get clarity in homeschooling. In 2009, she created The Waldorf Connection to bring the experts directly to online homeschoolers.

She is now a certified Simplicity Parenting Group Leader so she may bring this amazing wisdom to her families and help them simplify and balance their homes and lifestyles. You can learn more about Donna and her programs, workshops and products at http://thewaldorfconnection.com and http://theparentingstudio.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donna_Ashton
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Homeschooling High School: Finding the Best Curriculum

Creative Curriculum: CDCs provide tools to con...Image by familymwr via FlickrBy Lee Binz

One very common question among homeschoolers is "where do I find the best curriculum?"

There is not one curriculum that's the best. There is only the curriculum that's the best fit for your child. This is why I don't think anybody can tell you what the best curriculum is, because it may not fit your child at all.

So, one of the things you want to be thinking about is what has worked for your in the past because that's the kind of thing that's likely to be a successful curriculum in the future.

The other thing you want to be thinking about, especially during the high school years, is whether the curriculum was made for homeschoolers. The reason this is important is because there's a lot of curriculum out there, even sold at homeschool conventions, that was originally developed for public and private high school teachers.

These books assume that you are in a classroom setting and includes lots of repetition. It also assumes that the teacher knows the subject. This means if you were to buy a French book that was intended for a public school French teacher, it would assume you know French.

In contrast, if you buy curriculum that is intended and written for homeschoolers, it's going to assume that you know nothing. It will assume that you don't know the subject and that your child doesn't know the subject. This is how you get through, especially those difficult subjects like chemistry, physics or algebra. You will want to choose a curriculum that is made for homeschoolers and this will help you be much more successful.

I have a suggestion for you if are looking for curriculum for the very first time and you have no idea where you are going to start or what you are going to do. Usually, I point people to Sonlight curriculum because I find that it has the best hand-holding and can help you kind of ease in to a homeschool curriculum a little bit.

So, if you are completely flummoxed and you don't have a clue where to start, look at Sonlight curriculum. Other than that just make sure that your curriculum choices are made for homeschoolers.

Are you looking for help homeschooling high school? Lee Binz, The HomeScholar is an expert in helping high school homeschoolers and maintains a website that discusses homeschool curriculum where you can get answers to all your questions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Binz
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Monday, January 23, 2012

Homeschooling High School - The Importance of Junior Year

English: Motivations regarded most important f...Image via WikipediaBy Lee Binz

Junior year is one critical moment in time when you are homeschooling high school. In freshman and sophomore year you can kind of "fly by the seat of your pants", but in junior year there are certain tasks that you need to do.

On the first day of senior year you really want your child to start to apply for colleges. This sounds easy enough and only applies to senior year except for one minor detail. If you don't know where you're going to apply on the first day of senior year, it's kind of hard to actually do the applying.

That is why much of junior year is spent figuring out what colleges your student is going to apply to. You do that by making sure that your child takes the PSAT, and the SAT or ACT.

These tests will tell them the approximate test score that they have so that they will know which college they will fit with. You can also go to a college fair so you can get an overview of colleges you may want to attend.

Another important task of junior year is to identify a school that you want to visit and then actually visit the college. Otherwise, you may discover it is not anything like the name that they have on the side of their buildings or what you see in their marketing brochures. You have to make sure that the college is a good fit for your child.

When you are homeschooling high school, pay attention to the college search during junior year and then you can be really successful.

Junior year is a big year for high schoolers. You have so many balls to keep in the air. You may find you need some help with it all. Lee Binz, The HomeScholar is an expert in high school homeschooling and has a newsletter that discusses homeschool friendly colleges where you can get answers to all your questions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Binz
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Introduction to ESL Teaching Methods

Language Teaching (journal)Image via WikipediaBy Michael Hines

Teaching English as a second or foreign language entails the use of both traditional teaching methods as well as instructional techniques that are unique to the study and learning of language.

Traditional teaching methods include teacher-centric approaches such as explicit teaching as well as approaches that encourage active student participation. Based on the teaching experiences of educators around the world, different techniques should be deployed depending on the instructional purpose, the subject matter, and the students' level of competency, cognitive ability and enthusiasm.

Concentrating on, and using, just one approach has often been found to be grossly inadequate while a rich combination of approaches result to the most favorable learning outcomes.

This article describes the most common and effective methods that are being used in traditional classrooms as well as the alternative or improvised techniques that have been developed specifically for language instruction.

Fundamental Methods of Instruction

The primary approach in sharing new knowledge is basically the teacher-centric model that entails the techniques of: 1) Exposition/Explanation/Description, and 2) Demonstration.

Meantime, the participatory approach balances the responsibility of the cognitive process between teachers and students and employ the techniques of 1) Collaboration and 2) Teaching from a student perspective.

In the teacher-centric approach, the learning process follows the classic knowledge transfer model: teacher-to-student. The basic techniques used in this model include direct exposition and explanation of different subjects through formal or mini lectures that may be accompanied by audiovisual materials (whiteboard notes, CD ROM, videos, music, presentations, and other instructional multimedia).

Using the techniques of exposition-explanation-description, students are often required to memorize different concepts, and, in the case of language instruction, the actual verbalizations (oral recitation) of words and phrases.

The very useful technique of concept/process demonstration also traditionally belongs to the teacher-centric approach. Through the technique of demonstration, the teacher can dramatically illustrate a concept by presenting it in different scenarios wherein students can clearly identify the different factors, players, or processes that are in play.

In terms of language instruction, actual conversations in the foreign or second language within different contexts may be shown to students in order to help them establish the distinctions of language use for different language encounters.

Compared with the former technique, demonstrations are better able to reinforce lesson concepts because demonstrations enable students to assess and appreciate sensory (visual and auditory) affirmations of the different concepts being taught by the teacher. This way, students are better able to retain and apply the lesson concepts when the need arises.

An actual and simple conversation in English orchestrated for this purpose is an excellent instructional resource that will go a long way in language learning classrooms.

On the other hand, participatory approaches allow students to assume more responsibility in the cognitive process. Participatory approaches greatly encourage collaboration and role-playing such that students become very active drivers of their own competency about the lesson topics.

In sessions that promote inter-student collaboration, the deeper involvement of students concerning the session outcome enhances their awareness of the concepts being described by the teacher. In addition, the participatory approach is a good way of assessing individual students' socialization and leadership skills.

Collaborative techniques may involve the submission of group projects, the holding of group discussions, role-play and simulations, and fieldwork.

For students with varying degrees of leadership aptitudes, the technique of teaching or presenting to peers and colleagues can further improve their subject competency. After all, research have conclusively shown that teaching is a very effective way of learning a subject matter, one reason why formal teachers eventually become extremely competent in their fields.

By temporarily allowing students to role-play and assume the responsibilities of teachers, they eventually gain confidence about the subject matter and improve their skills expounding on or demonstrating its concepts.

Method Enhancers

To generate instructional variation for both teacher centric and participatory approaches, different teaching tools and enhancers should be deployed from time to time. More than breaking classroom monotony, this should enhance learning gains and feed student enthusiasm.

This is especially true in the field of language instruction wherein students should be disrupted from being linguistically complacent in their respective comfort zones. Doing so will enable students to become more articulate in any language encounter, whether conversational, passive, or written.

Some of the best method enhancers that language instructors should deploy in their classes include 'guided discovery' (wherein students discover lesson concepts by themselves, and therefore, tend to nurture the discovered concept better), 'problem solving' (wherein critical thinking skills are fully utilized in order to build more complex concepts from fundamental building blocks - which are basic syntax and some vocabulary in case of language learning), and the 'command style' (wherein basic to complex commands given in the second or foreign language are used to ingrain the essence of the language by physical or emotional associations that are readily experienced by the learners).

Furthermore, traditional teaching elements should also be used to enliven the classroom environment. These include group presentations, case studies, surveys, games, and assigned individual research or reports that are to be presented in class. Various media such as simple movies, short stories, television series, commercials, biographies, music videos and poems can be leveraged for interesting individual or collaborative exercises.

Approaches to Language Teaching

Because language learning entails a different desired outcome compared to other subjects, many field-specific approaches were developed by language educators over the years. The most commonly performed approaches are 1) Grammar-Translation, 2) Phonetic Method, 3) Communicative Approach, 4) Physical Response Approach, 5) Task-Based Learning, and 6) Language Immersion.

In Grammar-Translation, the focus is on the conscious and intensive learning of grammatical syntax. For students being instructed through this approach, the main learning strategy is memorization (phrasal and sentence constructions as well as the vocabulary necessary to build them).

Meantime, the phonetic method leans heavily on the oral articulation of the language such that students are often engaged in recitation sessions, short speeches, and read reports.

The communicative approach requires a higher form of cognitive appreciation of language than the two previous methods. Proponents of the communicative approach believe that knowing how to construct grammatically sound sentences and reciting formulated sentences are not enough for advanced learners. True language acquirers should be able to communicate well in any given language encounter.

Used effectively for beginners in language learning, the Physical Response Approach aims to ingrain the essence of a second or foreign language into the psyche of learners by relating actual physical experiences or associations with foreign words or phrases. Known also as the "Command Style,"

Tasked-based learning seeks to ingrain the actionable aspects of the foreign language with the aim of giving the learner some idea of its core mechanics.

Lastly, immersive approaches aim to develop learners' linguistic competencies through a comprehensive model that helps develop oral, listening, and written skills.

For teachers of English as a second or foreign language, the tendency to pick out only two or three teaching approaches they are most comfortable with is very strong. But as can be gleaned from the proliferation of literature on language instruction, there are quite a number of available approaches that can help both the teachers and the students in the learning engagement.

Trying out different approaches from time to time and in various combinations will likely address some learning difficulties encountered along the way.

Remember, for a language teacher to become a well-rounded, getting to know and applying different teaching principles is critical, not only for professional growth but also to the development of English language instruction as a whole. That is, teachers collaborating on the best techniques to use in different teaching-learning scenarios will help language educators systematize the different methodologies available.

Michael G. Hines is an educator living in Thailand and the Founder of Icon Group - Educating the Future: Total ESL - ESL Job Feed

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Your Child's Chemistry Tutor Can Turn D's Into A's

Chemical structure of paclitaxel, trade name T...Image via WikipediaBy Kathleen Taby Rodriguez

Most will agree with the phrase that nowadays, a good chemistry tutor is a hard find. The tutor must be well-versed in their subject and the tutoring slot must just as well cozily fit in with the million other items on the busy timetable.

The fact is that private tutoring fees are so high. Time and money spent in dropping your child off for these sessions is also a hassle.

For busy parents, the to-and-fro routine from private tutoring sessions can be a nightmare. But a limited time does not mean you cannot have the best. Welcome to the world of online chemistry tutoring.

Chemistry tutoring has suddenly changed its genre and is now more fun, cooler and also incorporates technology! Time is a constraint for everybody but online chemistry tutoring has turned this constraint into a benefit! No more crazy trips to private tutoring sessions when online tutoring delivers you a wealth of knowledge in the comfort of your home.

In recent years, online tutoring has seen a rise in popularity. Many parents are finding it easier as their child gets to study from first-class teachers under their supervision. However, it is not only the safety factor which is convincing parents to go for it. Feedback in online tutoring is also quicker, so it helps parents discuss their child's progress with the tutor.

Tutoring centers which provide online tutoring, hire qualified teachers who often times also have a university degree in the subject they are teaching. They also have more teaching experience than newbie tutors and students who have pursued tutoring as a part-time job.

Parents might wonder why online tutoring might be more interesting for children when essentially, they are the same chemistry concepts that children are being taught. It is the manner in which content is delivered to the children which is interesting. Today's children, more tech-savvy than ever, will relish the online tutoring experience more than traditional pen and paper tutoring methods!

These tutoring sessions, make use of more than one medium to engage your children. Your child gets access to webinars, guest lectures and online classrooms. Online quizzes and videos make learning valuable and break away the monotony.

Whether it is a tough homework problem or a quiz the next day, your child will have guaranteed help. Thanks to online tutoring you don't have to listen to the private tutor excusing he can't come to help your child with a last-minute problem.

Your child studies from good teachers at whatever time he or she wants!

Kathleen Rodriguez is the Vice President of Strategic Marketing & Business Development for Chemin10. Chemin10 is a leader in Web-based Chemistry education and instruction. Chemin10 offers an high school chemistry teacher program that helps raise participants' to learn Chemistry in 10 minute. They are the premier leader for providing online chemistry tutoring to students

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathleen_Taby_Rodriguez
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

How To Write A Good Introduction For Your IELTS Essay

Draft of my IELTS essay exerciseImage by nicodemo.valerio via FlickrBy Manjusha Nambiar

A good introduction is what makes people want to read your essay. That means it has to be quite compelling. So how does one write that winning introduction? Here are a few tips.

The introduction is the first thing the examiner reads. If you get it right, the examiner will like you. If the introduction is bad, you will immediately create a bad impression.

There is more than one way to write an introduction. A good introduction should be simple. It should be neither too long nor too short. It should convey a general idea of what is to follow.

How long should the introduction be?

Well, it depends. Sometimes short introductions consisting of just two or three sentences are the best. Sometimes you will need to write longer, descriptive introductions consisting of four or five sentences. I see no point in writing introductions longer than that. Remember that it is not the length but the quality of the introduction that matters.

These three or four sentences that come at the beginning of your essay are the most important sentences in it. So it is worth spending time on them.

How to write a good introduction?

IELTS essay questions are always about a specific topic. The introduction must be exactly like that. It should address the specific task in the question.

The introduction must connect with the rest of the essay. It should never be a separate entity. It should be connected to the topic and the different parts of the essay in a logical manner.

Explain your stand on the given topic

Your essay as a whole must be a coherent piece of writing. The introduction, the paragraphs and the conclusion all need to say the same thing. Explain your stand on the given topic in the introduction itself and then stick to it.

Some IELTS essay topics state something and then ask whether you agree with that or not. You are free to agree or disagree - it doesn't matter. What matters is your ability to explain your position with valid arguments. Sometimes you are asked to say which of the two given options are better. Here again you are free to choose whichever option you like. Just make sure that you have arguments that support your stand.

It might sound too obvious, but don't change your stand on the given topic. For example, you can't agree with a given statement in the introduction and then disagree with it in the remaining paragraphs.

Don't repeat the topic in the introduction

The introduction must refer to the question, but don't commit the mistake of repeating it word for word. Instead try to express the same idea in your own words. That is very important because if you repeat the question word for word, the examiner will not count the words you use in the introduction.

That said, you are not supposed to change all the words in the question - some words just can't be replaced. You can change their form, though. For example, you can use verbs instead of nouns.

Manjusha Nambiar is an ESL tutor and content developer. Her site perfectyourenglish.com gives English Grammar lessons and IELTS Preparation tips. Subscribe to her feed to win a free Grammar eBook titled '120 Grammar and Vocabulary Mistakes to Avoid'.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Manjusha_Nambiar
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How To Rent College Textbooks Online For Less

Textbook StackImage by greenasian via FlickrBy B W Jones

It is not hard to see that college students are looking for ways to cut down on the expense of buying textbooks. College textbook prices have gone sky-high in recent years and many students are turning to rental as a way to cut expenses for textbooks.

Renting textbooks, especially renting on the Internet, has become very popular. If you are a student who has not tried textbook rental you may want to look into it for your next set of classes.

You should easily be able to find the books you need online. Once you have chosen a textbook rental service it is a very easy process to rent your textbooks. You typically just need to register on the site and then select the books you wish to rent.

Next choose the length of your rental and pay the rental fee. In just a few days your textbooks will arrive in the mail. The package should include a return sticker and it is usually a good idea to keep the packaging to reuse for the return trip.

There are many online companies from which to choose from if you wish to rent college textbooks. Each company may offer its own options like free return shipping, free outbound shipping, and possibly a 30-day return policy.

Some companies provide the option of extending the rental or letting you buy the book outright if you want to keep it. The prices could vary from site to site and the difference can be quite significant.

Also read the terms and conditions especially things like late return fees and how much highlighting and markup you can do on the book. Also check to see if they indicate that the textbook comes with any additional software, DVDs or other extras.

One handy tool for picking a textbook rental company is to use a textbook rental comparison site. The comparison report will show what companies have your book available for rent and everyone's rental prices.

You should always click through to the actual website to verify the term of the quoted prices. Rental prices change depending on the length of the rental term.

It is estimated that a student can save from 50% to 85% over the cost of buying a new textbook by renting their books. In addition you're not tying money up front in the hopes that you will get cash back by reselling the textbook at the end of the term.

With textbook rentals you pay just one fee upfront and that's all you pay. Renting textbooks can really help students that are on a tight budget.

Bob Jones founded http://www.Cheap-Textbooks.com, a website devoted to saving students cash. The site lets students compare the prices of new, rental and used textbooks to help students find cheap textbooks for college.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Home-School Writing: The Five Most Important Writing Skills

WritingImage by jjpacres via FlickrBy Daniel Yordy

In teaching your home-schooled teenager how to write well, what are the most important writing skills they need to learn? Different writers would likely produce different lists of skills, but here are five that I consider at least among the most important for effective writing.

1. Change weak verbs to action; omit useless words.

Although maybe not as important as my second on this list, I place action writing first because good writing begins with action writing. Action writing is simply the use of interesting action verbs as often as possible (at least half the time) without weak infinitives, weak participles, or weak linking verb/helping verb constructions.

Here's what I mean by a weak verb construction: "He may be going to get to go to the store." This weak verb construction includes a weak helping verb, a linking verb, a weak participle, and two weak infinitives. Yet I see this stuff regularly in student writing.

Interesting single action verbs in past tense include: "He catapulted out of bed." "Her face convinced me of my success." "The crow cawed its intentions."

2. Take your reader with you.

This skill includes many elements of good writing, but without it, your reader will stop reading - the ultimate failure of poor writing. This skill begins with focusing on the readers, being certain the tone and wording is appropriate to them. It includes using transition signals and defining terms so that your reader understands everything you say.

Taking your reader with you even includes skills 1, 3, and 4, that is, making the flow of thoughts interesting and thought-provoking. Finally, be sure that your readers are satisfied upon completion, that they finish your paper with some added benefit to their lives, whether by giving them curious information, or laughter, or some serious consideration, or just the joy of a beautiful world or the sorrow of some deep grief.

3. Develop elements of surprise and suspense in any form of writing.

Ideas are problems waiting to be solved. They are difficulties to conquer, snares to escape, or treasures to win. Good writing begins with a series of fascinating or entertaining or important ideas. It then weaves those ideas into a fabric like a web that captures readers. They read because they must know the answer to the questions you have raised.

One of my favorite opening lines of any book I have read is John Grisham's The Partner: "They found him." Those look like plain and dull words, but placed together as the opening lines - oh, the questions they raise. Who are they? Who is he? Why are they looking for him? What did he take? What will they do to him now that they have found him? And that's only for starters. With an opening like that, repeated several times in the first couple of pages, I am hooked. I must know what happens next.

All good writing includes surprise and suspense - the very thing that takes a reader forward.

4. Add sensory details to personalize and make vivid.

To make an idea interesting is to make it real to the five senses of your reader. Your reader must see and hear, taste, smell, or touch the elements of your topic. Your reader must know - and like - the characters in your story or the topics of your essay. Sensory details, imagery, dialogue, description, the right words in the right way, figurative language, all work together to make the picture you are presenting real to the reader.

Listen, these things apply even in an essay on chemical reactions in chemistry class. If your professor is fascinated by the picture you present and forgets that he's "grading" an assignment, you've won.

5. Revise, revise, and revise.

Effective writers - writers who are read - re-write and re-write many times. The best approach to re-writing, of course, is to find someone else, someone with a critical eye and a tough skin, to read and mark and criticize what you have written. Bear into that criticism. Change what is recommended. Alter your approach. Try it again. Revising and editing your work are half of the writing process.

If you lay out these five skills of effective writing for your teenagers, they will have a broad, but specific view of how to tackle the process of learning to write well.

Daniel Yordy is Your Editor at The Writing Conservatory. He has taught writing to students - and learned writing - for almost 30 years. His effective writing course has been hammered out inside of junior high, high school, and college classrooms.

Maybe you have a student homeschooling high school and you want to know that they can write effectively both in entering college and for life. Or maybe you want to learn to write (and teach writing) well. Check out http://www.thewritingconservatory.com/WritingCourse/index.php?page=IsetA Help yourself freely to anything you see.

Copyright 2012 by The Writing Conservatory. Freely use without changes, including links.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Modern Techniques Used To Home School Children

Child 1Image by Tony Trần via FlickrBy Jack Smith Logan

Home schooling your child is a big responsibility. But it combines fun and learning to make the educational experience for your child a memorable one.

Here are some strategies brought to you by experienced home schooling parents. Try using some of them to create a fulfilling learning experience, for you and your child.

Strategy #1 - It is never too late to change the curriculum

Yes, you can even do it mid-way in the academic year. Sometimes you might pick books for a course from your favorite publishers or you might buy a packaged curriculum only to find your child does not like it. Don't hesitate to change it and sell it when you realize it is not working. Get feedback from other parents who are home schooling their children. Explore online and go for curriculum resources with high ratings and good reviews.

Strategy #2 - Every child demands different educational approach

One of your children might be more of the kinesthetic type while the other would learn better visually. Figure out the strengths of your child. For instance, a child learnt names of American states and capital while skating with his father, in a day. The same child, if told to sit down and learn would have taken probably 10 days because it would not have interested him.

Strategy #3 - Cover most of the syllabus in the morning

It is better to teach in the morning. It is the freshest time and children can pay more attention to what is being taught. It allows you to stay focused on what you are teaching. Covering most of the work in the morning leaves the child enough time to go play or work on a project, freeing you to do household chores.

Strategy #4 - You do not necessarily have to cover the week's learning in 5 days, just like school

You could cover the week's learning in 4 days or even 7. Make decisions that are best for your child. You could cover topics like spelling and handwriting quickly so that less time is consumed and the children do not get bored. You can move at your own pace when you homeschool your child.

Strategy #5 - Get the help of an educational consultant

An educational consultant helps the family work out the curriculum to homeschool the child. Educational consultants guide and monitor the child's progress. Educational plans are developed according to the children's capabilities. Some educational consultants also include field trips to enhance the child's learning.

Home Schooling is an essential need of every child - parents should take care of their children; if they won't then they should go for a professional educational consultant.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Smith_Logan
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Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Difference Between Passing and Flunking a Course - Home Tutoring

Aristotle tutoring AlexanderImage via WikipediaBy Jack Smith Logan

You want to provide the best for your child whether it is food, clothing or education. Parents play an important role in their child's development. A survey says 79% of parents are interested in learning how they could get more involved with their child's education.

It comes as a worry to parents if their child is bringing home assignments with C grades. Parents want schools to pay more attention to their child's progress but it is not possible because a school tutor does not have enough time to monitor individual progress and development of students efficiently.

You, as a parent, must take things in hand. If your child is having a hard time understanding courses, in-home tutoring may be the best option for them. Your child needs educational assistance right now for landing him/her into a top college. College prep should start from high school and for this you need to help your child get better grades.

Private tuition may be contrasted with other forms of studies such as combined studies, online tutoring and classroom teaching. In terms of individualized attention, however, private tuition is the best.

There are a host of other benefits too. There is no doubt that a school is important in a student's life, helping him/her grow in a social environment, however, the extra time that your child may need to improve his/her weak areas can only be provided through home tutoring.

Home tutoring does not have the competitive environment that school classrooms have inherently. In school, your child may not only be struggling to keep pace with other students, but a failure to do so would also affect his/her self-esteem. Home tutoring allows him/her to move at their own pace with the tutor teaching accordingly.

A private tutoring session can be so much more than just educational assistance! All the student's five senses can be engaged to enhance student learning. Lessons can involve auditory and kinesthetic learning.

Creative techniques and activities can be used to make learning both fun and interesting for the child. Maybe your child was running away from Physics because he/she found it too boring or difficult? A private tutor will look into that and tailor the lesson according to your child's needs.

Tutors can help your child with homework and quizzes. Private tutoring is not just limited to curriculum teaching but is sure to help your child with any difficulties or problems he/she may have with the course.

In home tutoring is essential for every child. Parents should take care of their children. If they won't then they should go for professional educational advocacy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Smith_Logan
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Six Benefits of GCSE and A-Level Online Tuition

BERLIN, GERMANY - DECEMBER 28:  A participant ...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeBy Steph Habens

Live online tuition, or e-tutoring, is a great alternative to traditional, face to face, private tuition and is the way forward for many GCSE and A-level students.

It works exactly the same as traditional face to face tuition but it is conducted over an interactive whiteboard with the optional use of a webcam.

Students and tutors can upload and share a range of resources including past papers and text book resources. So what makes online tuition such a great alternative? Here are six benefits of online tuition.

1. Get the right tutor for you, not the nearest tutor

Why should you settle for a local tutor who may or may not be the right one for you? Finding a traditional face to face maths or physics tutor is a bit of a postcode lottery and can be especially difficult if you live in a rural area or small town. With e-tutoring you can find the best tutor for you, no matter where you are based.

2. No need for you to waste time travelling

With the hectic schedule of the modern family it can be difficult to squeeze everything in. Travelling to drop off and pick up the kids from their tutor's house can be difficult to cram in. With e-tutoring your child will get all the tuition they need from the comfort of the family home; rain or shine you'll be comfy and cosy with no need for mum and dad's taxi service and will have time to do other things.

3. Students can attend lessons from anywhere with an internet connection, perfect for the modern family

Perhaps your children live in between each parent's house or in between the family home and boarding school, with an e-tutor you can stick with the same tutor all year round no matter where the student is all you need is your computer.

4. Online tuition is less obtrusive and scary than a stranger visiting your home

Many students find it easier to ask 'silly questions' when they are more relaxed and the tutor is not sat next to them. It is also safer as there is no personal, or physical, contact.

5. You can revisit a lesson at any time to revise the material covered with your tutor

Once the tutor has left students can still go over the material as if the tutor were still there by playing back the recording of the lesson.

6. Our tech savvy children find the virtual classroom environment more engaging than the sometimes dull, traditional, classroom

They feel at home amidst the familiar online environment which is often associated with pleasurable activities.

Maths Doctor offer one to one live online tuition in maths and physics to students of all ages including GCSE and A-level. To request a tutor and a have a free lesson visit http://www.mathsdoctor.tv.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

An English Composition Course Will Teach Students the Fundamentals and Foundation of English

writingImage by found_drama via FlickrBy Kayla Russell

English Composition Course

Anyone pursuing a bachelor's degree will have to take an English composition course, which is very beneficial to any student who wishes to become a professional that is able to express themselves clearly verbally and in writing.

Your time in the classroom will likely be designed to prepare you for writing assignments that will take place outside of class. Be ready to devote time to work that you would like to be done well. There are steps that you can take to make your life easier when it comes to English composition, and it will likely improve your performance.

Ways to Prepare Yourself

Course textbooks will be assigned at the beginning of the semester, and being able to navigate through your textbook will be valuable to you throughout the semester. Some students go through the entire course not realizing what a fantastic resource their writing handbook is, which can cause their writing to suffer and deprive them of a dependable reference for work.

Many books will have a section within them that will explain how to find information and most efficiently answer your questions. That section can be an incredibly handy reference book once you get to know it. Few things are worse in an English composition class than not feeling confident about your writing and then also not feeling confident enough to find the solutions.

You may think that you will be better off if you can quickly read through any pieces of writing you've been assigned because this might save you time. This is a misconception, however, because the writings are assigned for you to fully understand and analyze, which will enhance your writing abilities. Being able to understand the strategies used by other writers in their work and to enjoy them will be immensely helpful when it comes to doing your own work.

You college may offer free tutoring during certain hours, and this is a wonderful resource that you should take advantage of. Allowing someone else to read your writing, especially if you are questioning your ability, can be scary. It is important to remember that the tutors are there to help you and that overcoming a difficult situation by asking for help and guidance will make you a stronger student and demonstrate your willingness to learn and grow.

Knowing the building blocks of our language will be a prerequisite for an English composition course. However, if you find yourself in a classroom and aren't really sure of where to place an apostrophe or what the difference is between types of sentences, there are plenty of resources that can help you to get up to speed.

If you are looking up information, making sure the source you are using is dependable. If you aren't sure if a website is okay, you can ask for the advice of your professor. Nothing will invalidate your argument like an incorrect fact, so this is a worthwhile effort to make.

Enjoy Growing as a Writer

College English composition isn't just about becoming a better writer; it's also about finding your own voice. When you read any assignment, it is through your own perspective. Everything you do in this class is to help you refine your own sensibilities, so it is definitely worth your time because you are worth your time. The skills will help you in various aspects of life, from future classes to scholarship applications.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kayla_Russell
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