GMAT study techniques are critical to your success as you prepare for the rigorous GMAT exam. As with any test that evaluates your ability to understand and critical think through a large quantity of information, approaching the exam in little pieces is perhaps the most important element to a good GMAT study plan.
At first it may seem overwhelming, but if you plan out a 1 or 2 month study plan and focus on one piece at a time, it will be a lot easier.
For example, one day you can just focus on the first GMAT verbal section called sentence correction. You might attempt a few questions and just make a mental note of the ones you got wrong. Look at the answer explanations and see if they make sense. Go through another set of questions and see if you see a pattern to the types of questions you get wrong. Circle them are mark them down so you can revisit them later.
When it comes to the GMAT verbal sentence correction, there really are only so many ways the GMAT guys can reword a sentence and test you on it. So it's up to you to figure out which types of questions are the ones that you need the most help in.
Once you've figured out which areas you need the most help in, so if you can put all the questions that you get wrong and put them together. You've already seen this set of, say, 8 questions from previous days that you got wrong. So challenge yourself and see if you can attempt all 8 questions in exam-like conditions and get them all right. Hold yourself to a high standard. Specifically, expect yourself to get them all correct, especially because you've seen the answer before.
Do that for the set of 4 questions. Once you're able to tackle this small piece, you next attempt a larger set of 20 or 30 questions and build up a list of the questions you got wrong. Put all the questions you got wrong together in the next few days and try to attempt them again just like you did with the initial 4 questions.
Keep redo-ing questions until you totally exhaust all the questions in the Official Guide and you'll build up confidence in your ability to not only answer questions right, but to also turn the questions that you do get wrong into correct answers.
Sitting in for the GMAT can be a difficult endeavor. GMAT programs like GMAT Pill have helped hundreds of students prepare efficiently for the exam. Free videos and GMAT study information are available at
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