Sunday, September 15, 2013

New School Year Success! - 5 Easy Steps to Making Presentations a Breeze for Your Child (Right Now)!

English: An anxious person
An anxious student (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
by Brenda Chadambura

It is Sunday evening and you're gearing up for a full and active week when your son appears with an anxious 'don't kill me' look. You brace yourself as he tells you that he has a presentation tomorrow that he hasn't finished.

Panicked and mad, you pry all the details of the presentation in order to help him as quickly as possible. You ask him why he didn't do it sooner and his agitated response is ... 'I don't know ... because I hate presentations ...".

So, how can you as a savvy parent, help overcome your son's aversion to presentations? The answer lies in five simple steps you can introduce to your son to make presentation preparation and delivery, a breeze!

1. Perfectionism is NOT King

Firstly, it is important for your child to understand that an excellent presentation is born out of many jumbled and imperfect ideas. Imperfect ideas are uncut gems that will later be polished into spectacular speeches. Helping them understand this reduces anxiety and overwhelm that comes from thinking that they should have a perfect presentation right from the get go. Encourage them to embrace and write down all those jumbled ideas. Organizing those thoughts into coherent ideas, immediately shoots up their confidence as their speech begins to emerge and everything looks more attainable!

2. Start with the End in Mind

Armed with a much clearer vision of what they want to say, they can now convey their message to their audience. The question then becomes what is the lasting impression (idea, feeling, conviction) they want to leave with their audience? When they decide what that lasting impression is, they can figure out how to deliver their presentation with that end goal in mind.

3. Go Back to the Beginning

The introduction should immediately grab the audience's attention as to what kind of a presentation this is going to be. It should evoke a certain emotion, perhaps it could be horror over a statistic your child has just given, curiosity over a question your child just asked or intrigue over an unexpected funny statement your child has just made. All of these emotions, capture the audience and keeps them engaged in the upcoming ideas your child will make as they talk!

4. Make Each Paragraph Count

Each paragraph should have one clear concept which consistently supports the overall theme of the presentation. The audience will lose interest in a presentation where too many different ideas are cramped in one paragraph. Each paragraph should distinguish itself with a strong concept followed by a few sentences that support that concept.

5. Leave a Lasting Impression
The final statement is not just a reminder of the different points made during the presentation but a qualification of those ideas. Here is where you want the audience to leave with a better and more 'enlightened' way of seeing the subject discussed. They are left feeling as if they have been taken on a mini odyssey which has yielded a wonderful discovery upon arrival!

As your child accomplishes these five steps to outstanding presentations, they will begin to believe in their mastery of future projects and boost their overall self-confidence exponentially! Start introducing them to your child now before their next presentation deadline and see how much fun you have working on it together!

This article is brought you compliments of Brenda Chadambura - Kids Public Speaking Coach
Dedicated to Seeing Your Child Rapidly Develop their Confidence through Public Speaking!
Ready for more Focused and Personalized Training for Your Child's next Presentation? Click here:

To your child's success!

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