by aspiringprofessionalshub:
today’s post, Mr A, a third year PhD candidate and in the process of
submitting his PhD shares some thoughts on how to manage and make the
most of the PhD process.
In the final stages of the PhD, I am faced with the big elephant in the room - writing up the thesis.
feel like my brain is fried beyond recognition and anything to keep me
away from the thesis for a minute appears to be a blessing in disguise.
Despite the challenges, this stage of the PhD has been quite an
interesting experience with both high and low moments. Overall, I have
enjoyed doing a PhD. Looking back at my journey, there have been
several key aspects that have played an important role in my progress. I
hope these will be useful to other PhD candidates.
Getting the PhD Supervisor(s)-Student relationship balance right
Some people regard this as the most important and akin to a marriage of convenience.
I would definitely not disagree with this perspective and it is the
major juggling act you would have to learn to manage.
It is imperative
that from the start of your PhD, there is an established order of how
your PhD will be managed by both you and your supervisor. Yes YOU! The
management of your PhD is just as much your responsibility as you think
it is your supervisors’. Knowing what is expected of you at each stage
of the process and delivering (at least to some extent) of what is
expected is one sure way of keeping the relationship smooth.
It is also
important you know what you should expect from your supervisors
from the early point. Simple things like their areas of strength e.g.
technical, pastoral, social etc. and other things like how regularly you
should meet should be established early on and maintained.
For me,
weekly meetings in the first year of my PhD kept me on track and on my
toes all the time, in the second year it was a fortnightly exchange and
in the final year it has been a case of meeting as and when we deemed
necessary which worked for both of us without compromising the quality
of the work being undertaken and the timelines to be met.
Continuous development through University and external workshops
At my University and generally in most UK universities, the graduate
schools organise workshops to develop the skills of the research
students to help them through the PhD and also preparing them for life
beyond the PhD. For any PhD candidates not taking advantage of such graduate school workshops, you are really missing out!!
Examples of the type of activities at these workshops include -
learning to use statistical tools (SPSS), preparing for transfer and
viva voce, academic writing and structuring your thesis, applying for
grants and learning to publish. External bodies also organise workshops
that are beneficial to the PhD students.
For example, in the UK, a group
called the Voice of Young Scientists (VOYS), part of the Sense about
Science network regularly organise events tailored to develop science
PhD students. One of the sought after VOYS workshop helps develops
researchers on how to the media and using media tools to communicate the
science. Pretty awesome isn’t it?
Keep reading - and never stop writing
As a PhD student in the sciences, my PhD has been predominantly
laboratory based and at times through the PhD whilst I was reading, I
wasn’t writing. Now at the stages of the final write up, I have to
review old literature and going back to things which I would not have
had to if I had kept the writing flowing … tut tut tut!!!
Regrets! The
things I didn’t know when I started eh!! I could try blaming the fact
that my research is laboratory based but knowing what I do now … it’s no
excuse!! As I approach the end of the PhD I have realised how important
it is to maintain a writing flow throughout the PhD.
Disseminate your work
The isolation encountered by many PhD students can occasionally create some weird alien feeling of pseudo existence in some odd planet somewhere thus,
the chance to talk about your work with your peers or anybody who would
care to listen is important. It can occasionally offer you the chance
to get out of the laboratory, office, University and if you are lucky,
the country.
My PhD journey has been enriched greatly by the
opportunities I had to attend several national and international
conferences and more than anything else it brings a sense of belonging
and pride that you can actually be recognised for the many hours and
candles burnt during the night working in your little silo. It also
creates an opportunity for feedback from established researchers in your field of study which would only help to improve your research.
Join a professional society
For anyone thinking of embarking on a career in research or academia it is imperative you find a professional society in your area of interest or field to be a part of. Some societies are free for student members whilst others charge a minimal fee for the student members
including PhD and postdoctoral members. Without question, this should
be high up on your list before or you start your PhD and where possible,
get involved.
If you can, volunteer for the society as this is one sure
way to get yourself noticed. I have been a member of several
professional societies and undoubtedly my involvement with the
professional societies has been a major highlight and key part of my PhD
Keep a social life
Your supervisor will always want to ensure you are continuously working. S/he might probably want you to spend 30 hrs everyday (if it were possible) eating, thinking and dreaming about your research.
Word of advice, ensure you find time for a social life.
Whether it is
going out for drinks, travelling or whatever “your thing” is, letting your hair down
(even if you are bald) occasionally is necessary to sustain you through
the PhD and ensuring you have a positive support network for an
occasional ‘usual PhD rant’ is also necessary. I still have many people
to thank for my occasional outbursts during the PhD especially Dr M.
Av-B who’s response was usually “let’s go get a coffee”.
No PhD experience is the same anywhere and undoubtedly, there are
other helpful aspects that could be beneficial to you as a PhD student.
The summary of all of this is simple; be professional, work hard and
where you can, CREATE TIME to enjoy yourself because you will need it.
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