by Cole Armstrong, Impact of Social Sciences:
How do we improve England’s school system?
Every Education
Secretary has their own ideas and subsequent U-turns, but in this book Peter Mortimore aims
to identify the current system’s strengths and weaknesses, and asks
readers who share his concerns to demand that politicians alter course.
Cole Armstrong talks
readers through the highs and lows that Mortimore identifies, and finds
that some aspects of the author’s vision for a new education system are
questionable in terms of practicality.
This post originally appeared on LSE Review of Books.
In Education Under Siege: Why there is a Better Alternative, Peter Mortimore describes
his vision for a better functioning education system in England,
calling particularly upon the Nordic model of education for inspiration.
Based upon the author’s experience as a researcher and educator in both
the English and Danish systems, Mortimore sets out in 14 chapters how
he would like to see a better education system operating for primary and
secondary students in England.
This vision may not be agreed with by
all readers, and to my mind a number of aspects are impractical, but it
does require the reader to question whether there isn’t a better
education model for England, and if not, what it might look like.
While the Nordic countries’ lustre as a model of education be to
followed has taken an unfortunate knock with the recent release of the OECD’s PISA rankings,
for a number of years education commentators have cast envious looks at
these systems.
In particular, the author contrasts the English system’s
focus on the instrumental importance of education, for purposes such as
career development, against more personal and intrinsic benefits of
education emphasised by our Nordic cousins (the concept of bildung).
the author’s view “a good education must encompass the development of
society and of every aspect of an individual’s life” - a holistic
education that he believes is neglected by the current system.
Some particularly interesting features in the book are the chapters
on the strengths (Chapter 8) and weaknesses (Chapter 10) of the English
model, and the ambiguities of the system (Chapter 9) i.e. those aspects
that can be both a strength and a weakness.
These chapters are
particularly appealing as they highlight for the reader and invite them
to question those assumptions upon which the remainder of the book will
be based.
In describing the strengths of the English system (Chapter 8), the
author draws up a lengthy list, including the lack of retention of
students meeting minimum standards, school sports, and a visually
stimulating school environment.
Refreshingly, given the regular media
attacks on teachers in mainstream education, Mortimore also dedicates
considerable time to describing the high quality of teachers in England -
teachers whom he describes as promoting positive relationships with
their students, demonstrating remarkable ingenuity and a desire for
improvement, and often injecting a sense of enjoyment in class.
This is
supported by other factors such as the quality of teacher education, and
high quality school leadership.
Mortimore contrasts these strengths with some widely reported
weaknesses (Chapter 10) within the education system.
For example, there
has been much debate within
the education community over the impact of England’s renowned public
school sector - epitomised by infamous establishments such as Eton and
Harrow - on perpetuating social inequality.
Similarly, the market model
of schooling, argued for as part of the New Public Management belief,
is reported to have similar effects, with schools with a greater
proportion of students from affluent backgrounds hugely advantaged
compared to those schools educating less affluent sections of the
And jumping into an interesting debate, the author argues
against the increasing powers given to education ministers, disparaging
along the way policies such as Kenneth Clarke’s establishment of Ofsted
and Micheal Gove’s “expenditure on free schools in a time of austerity”.
Demonstrating the complexity of public policy, the author describes
what he refers to as “ambiguous” features (Chapter 9) - those features
of the present system that can be either strengths or weaknesses
dependent upon the way they are enacted.
For example, out of school
activities are of a demonstrable benefit to education in England;
however, the way in which they are enacted has helped exacerbate
inequality, as less affluent families are often priced out of these
And, while stating that “assessment can be motivating” and
agreeing with the rationale for assessment to help identify where
students need help with their learning, Mortimore comments on recent
debates about grade inflation, and the increasing elitism of English
school assessment.
In Chapter 13, the author brings us to the main aim of the book: his
vision for an improved education system in England.
Commendably, the
author raises some politically contentious issues in schooling, such as
the role of homework, the necessity for school inspections and high
stakes assessment, as well as the role of a private education sector.
Some of his suggestions resonate well with prior research, such as
expanding pre-school provision to all children, or with current concerns
such as the role of a for-profit sector.
However, there are some equally problematic suggestions. For example,
in an attempt to reduce inequality and segregation along wealth lines,
the author suggests the random allocation of students, and even
teachers, to schools.
Similarly, the author suggests that faith schools,
due to their often superior perception in the eyes of parents, should
be open to all students regardless of faith.
While such issues are of
concern, it seems politically unfeasible - not to mention problematic in
a culture that emphasises the values of individual choice - for such
policies to be enacted.
While there are aspects of the author’s vision for a new education
system in England that are questionable in terms of practicality or
impact, the book does make a credible attempt at explaining “why there
is a better alternative”.
In a system that has been delivered in a
piecemeal fashion, this is a commendable contribution that will
hopefully inspire policy makers and politicians to think more
holistically about whether today’s schooling system really does deliver
the best outcomes for students in England.
Cole Armstrong recently completed an MSc in Social Research Methods at the Department of Methodology at
LSE, with a dissertation that looked at ethnic segregation in New
Zealand schools.
Cole is currently a Research Manager at an
international NGO that utilises the mass media for development purposes.
His research interests focus around evaluation methodologies and the
use of communication techniques for development aims. Read more reviews by Cole.
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